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BANNER Audio-visual upgrade
Audio-visual upgrade 

Early in 2023, the PCC agreed that the current arrangements for sound and image projection in the church need to be upgraded. These improvements would facilitate a better experience for worshippers and a technical infrastructure for concerts and cultural activities that provide essential income to support our work at St Andrew’s.

Click here for more details about the audio-visual upgrade

BANNER TARGET 25K Audio-visual

Adding vision to the sound

After nearly two years working towards the upgrading of our audio-visual system, enough money has been raised for new sound equipment to be installed in the church during October. Nearly £50,000 so far has been raised from grant applications, church events and careful use of church funds and now the PCC has agreed to a direct appeal for the remaining £25,000.

This will pay for new screens and a projector that will be fully integrated with the audio system. The screens will include a single large screen at the front of the church, which retracts nearly out of view when not in use, and some small, TV-like screens to enable everyone to see clearly wherever they are sitting.

Our aim is to improve church facilities so that we can further God’s work among the local community. A better experience of worship, more opportunities for local people to use our building for cultural and arts events - these outcomes will aid the development of a bigger, broader and stronger society around the church. It will also help sustain St Andrew’s as a much-loved centre of activity for years to come.

Giving Month

We have designated the period between 8 September and 13 October (the date of our Harvest Festival) as our Giving Month when all members of our congregation and others who support or attend St Andrew’s in other ways are asked to consider what they can do to help us reach our target.

What can YOU do to help US achieve our aim? Here are some suggestions:

  • Make a donation (see below for how you can do this)
  • Be sponsored for a fundraising activity (either as an individual or in a group)
  • Offer a talent or service in return for donations, e.g. cook a meal or provide hospitality, make a piece of equipment or a facility available for hire

There are lots of possibilities - and remember, if you are a taxpayer, all donations can be gift aided, thus adding 25% to the value of your gift.

During the month, there will be updates on what has been planned and raised, so keep us informed of what you are doing! We hope that our crowdfunding appeal will be seen by many people locally as well as further afield (see the link below)!

Virtual Auction of Promises 40
Our Virtual Auction of Promises
is up and running!

Similar to an in-person auction, but people will be asked to review what is on offer and then submit "sealed bids" by email. Please take a look at the fabulous selection of promises from members of our congregation and get bidding. Find out more

How to make a donation

You can donate a sum - large or small - in one of the following ways:

Electronic Transfer

Transfer your donation electronically to:
Hertford St Andrew PCC
Sort Code 20-20-37
Account Number 50715050.
Please reference your payment with the words ‘AV Fund’


Write a cheque payable to Hertford St Andrew PCC and place it in a sealed envelope marked ‘AV Fund’. The envelope can be given to one of the office holders named below or, on a Sunday, placed in the collection plate.

Crowdfunding page

Go to our crowdfunding page at:

Spread the word!

Please share this information with friends and family. You can share/like on Facebook at:

Get in touch

To find out more about the project, please talk to us:

Julie Markey, Churchwarden 

07801 236003

Lesley Self, Churchwarden 

07952 958963

Chris Seward, Deputy Churchwarden

07902 540561

Judy and Nick Sharman, Joint Treasurers 

01992 423561


Audio-Visual Upgrade information

Here are the summary notes given at our APCM on 28 April 2024:

Main Objectives of Project:
  • To provide a greatly improved quality of experience for services at the church including Sunday mornings (n.b. All Age), weddings and funerals
  • To enable St Andrew’s to offer the building for a range of community and cultural activities that require high quality audio and visual equipment

The Proposal:
  • Working with CAV Solutions - a Hertfordshire company dedicated to church installations nationwide
  • A professional standard specification with well known brands recommended/used by many other churches e.g. JBL speakers, Allen and Heath Console, Epsom Projector
  • Speakers and screens give coverage to all areas of the church
  • Speakers of similar size/shape as currently
  • Main screen to be electronically controlled and, when not used, to be positioned in a casing out of sight line
  • Projector fixed to rear wall behind pews and seating
  • Digital sound desk located at the rear of the church with potential for online streaming of services - unit to match colour of adjacent wood panelling
  • Training and three-year, fully inclusive warranty provided

Financing [details updated June 2024]:
  • The total cost for the equipment, installation and training is estimated to be about £87,000 (incl. VAT). Money raised so far is about £47,000 (using grants, parish funds, fundraising events e.g. Coffee Mornings).
Update in July 2024:
The Diocese has now granted a faculty giving permission for the work to be carried out in the next 36 months.
Hello and welcome to St Andrew's. If you are new, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Banner group 1140x320A Warm Hello 

No one belongs here more than you.

We look forward to meeting you! Here's some information so that if you're planning a visit you know beforehand what to expect on a Sunday morning.  We have other pages telling you more About Us, our approach to Faith and our Online services.

Where and When

We meet at the Church Building (details below) for our main Sunday Service starting at 10.30am. For your first visit, we recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to ensure you find a parking space and can settle in before the service begins. When you arrive, you should be greeted by someone on our Welcome Team.

Plan your journey:
While, unfortunately, St Andrew's does not have its own carpark, there is a council-run pay and display carpark a short distance along St Andrew Street, to the east of the church; there is a £1.50 flat-rate charge for parking in this carpark on Sundays (though half an hour or less is free).

This is a useful East Herts Council website page for full details of parking in Hertford.

There are single yellow lines outside the church with parking restrictions, but some 30-minute parking bays are situated on the opposite side of the road for short stays (longer on Sundays).

Open Google Maps

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There is a disabled toilet towards the back of the church, behind the kitchen.

Our Service

The service will usually begin promptly at 10.30am and will last between 60 and 75 minutes. We enjoy the presence of an excellent choir who help us sing hymns (modern and traditional) as well as provide anthems and special songs through the period of communion. We have a traditional organ but also benefit from music played on the piano and by our band (eg on the Second Sunday of each month when we have an All-Age Service in which our children and young people are fully involved).

Each 10.30am service includes a sermon, prayers and eucharist.

After the service, everyone is invited for coffee and conversation - some like to stay for a quick chat while others remain in the church for a longer time.


Children and Young People

Children are never too young to come to church. You and your children are very welcome at St Andrew’s. 

We really value worshipping God together as a family, so children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the service before being invited to leave for the young people's activities after the first hymn. Junior Church meets in the St Andrew's Centre (our adjoining hall), accessed through the church on Sunday mornings. You will need to go with your children to their groups and register them as part of our child safety policy.

The children and young people then return to the main service in time to join the eucharist and, if confirmed, take Holy Communion or, if not, receive a blessing. We offer a little box of raisins to children being blessed at the altar.

There is a Children's Corner in church where you can go at any time. You will find books, toys and drawing materials there.

Toilet and baby-change facilities are located at the back of church, behind the kitchen.

There's more information here: Children and Young People at St Andrew's

Junior Church celebration

Getting Connected

Home Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week. Check out Home Groups on our website and see if there’s one that you could join. Alternatively, speak to a member of the Welcome Team who will give you the information that you need.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. Please contact Phil in the Church Office.

Get in touch with us
If you have any questions, please do get in touch. You'll find our contact details here.

We hope that you will feel at home at our church.

Group photo at the top of the page taken by Tim Pike